Beyond Six-Pack Abs: Build Your Business with a Solid Core

Every industry has a core system. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the core of Manufacturing. For insurance, it is the Policy Administration Platform for carriers or the Agency Management System (AMS) for agencies and brokers. In Healthcare it is the Electronic Records Management (ERM). You get the idea... everyone has a core system that is vital to their operations.
Having a strong core system in your business is similar to having a strong core in your body. Your core is so much more than a six-pack. A strong core prevents injury, improves balance and stability, reduces back pain, improves posture, and supports full body strength.
Similar to your abdominals, your core software platform needs to be well-rounded to support your company's need for agility, stability, and internal process execution.
Keep reading for more of my analogy between your abdominal muscles and your core software, and the functionality you should be looking for when evaluating the performance of your core solution. 👇🏼